Products & Services... TOTEMS SIGN


Totems Signs are a great addition to your store if you’re looking to attract new customers. They are easy to mount, very eco-friendly and great if you’re want to stand out! 

Totems take up some space, so placing them in front of your store should be a great idea! Totems, as a rule of thumb, are not necessarily great additions to your inside store. 

However, if you do have a big store space in Abu Dhabi, Totem Signs can also be placed inside! We can also accompany your totem sign with a great LED illumination if you want to sparkle up your designs! 

Give us a call and let’s talk about your next totem sign!

Backdrops should be flashy, exquisite, more than meets the eye - and whatever flamboyant term you would describe them to be! Backdrops are, in general, a background displayed for different purposes!

Whether you are organizing an event, hosting a dinner party or you’re having a press conference, backdrops are a great display opportunity for you and your company. Are you looking to buy one in Abu Dhabi?

Ring us now!


Flags in Abu Dhabi - aren’t they a staple of display items & banners for us? We’ll provide flags made from great materials, that will resist the test of time and the greater test of harsh winds! 

We can provide GI Poles for your flags, in order to enhance the sturdiness of your flags and assure you that no matter the hazards, your flags will still be there at the end of the day! 

How do you want your flags to look - have anything in mind or want us to advise you in this matter? Let’s meet and we’ll help you! 


Glass is a pretentious material without any graphics sticked to it. When you also desire to paste a certain graphic on your glass, the problem is even bigger. 

Or, there is no problem, if you’re working with the right people and materials! We’re creating glass graphics in Abu-Dhabi for all your glass stations, windows and other transparent materials. 

Wanna see some? Come in our store!


Your Kiosk in Abu-Dhabi needs good branding, considering the sheer number of kiosks around our town! But is good enough for a Kiosk? No, we don’t think so.

We think “extraordinary” is more the way to go! Kiosks, in general, are cramped up under the same sun. You’ll have to stand out from your competitors. How?

With carefully chosen kiosk branding, great materials and a consultant to guide your way! Let’s meet and set up your kiosk!

As you’ve already noticed, on this page we have presented you great places for display items that should be profited off as much as you can! Besides everything we already said, we also think that door signages should be a staple for your store. 

After seeing your window graphics, what is next for your client? Well, going through the door! When he reaches the door, does he see a simple door or encounters great signage, with your branding done in a unique manner?

We promise you a great-looking door, which people will be glad to see and which will raise your brand awareness and conversion rate by some impressive percentages!

Most of the time, your brand needs great signage, with grate-to-look-at branding and done on ideal materials. Some of the time, however, you’ll only need a number posted near your office or near a door. 

If you have a Hotel in Abu-Dhabi and you need number signages, you’ll probably be looking for a fast provider of number signages and some great materials to go along that speed of execution. You don’t have time to waste, and we know that - so that’s why you can count on us! 

However, not only hotels need number signages. You’ll need to showcase your street number or maybe you want to post a great “Established in 2010” type of number signage. 

Let’s meet and get yourself a great number signage!